Call for Abstracts
On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Commmittee of ISES-ISEE 2025, we would like to encourage you to submit your work as abstract for oral or poster presentation.
Abstract submission deadline was February 28, 2025Â March 12, 2025 (23:59 EDT).
All rejected symposium submissions have the opportunity to submit their contributions as individual presentations until March 17, 2025 (23:59 EDT).
Please use the same e-mail address while submitting your abstract and registering for the meeting. Different e-mail addresses will disrupt communications concerning your registration and abstract submission.
General rules for abstract submission:
- All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system by the deadline given above. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail will not be considered.
- Please do NOT submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
- The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- It is the authors’ responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- Only accepted abstracts of presenting authors who have completed their registration (incl. payment) by the registration deadline for abstract presenters will be included in the Scientific Program and publications.
- Each presenting author may submit a maximum of one abstract as an oral presentation. In addition, two abstracts may be submitted as poster presentations.
- The final decision whether an abstract is accepted as a poster or oral presentation, or even rejected, will be made by the Scientific Organizing Committee.
Submission guidelines:
- All abstracts must be written in English.
- Use acronyms only when necessary and define all non-standard abbreviations and concepts in your abstract at first use.
- Please ensure complete listing and correct order of all (co-) authors.
- Abstract titles can contain a maximum of 20 words (no abbreviations) and should not be written with all capitals. Please use generic drug names only.
- The abstract body should not exceed 300 words and should consist of the four sections: Objective, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- Abstracts should not describe research in which the chemical identity or source of the reagent is proprietary or cannot be revealed.
- Phrases such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” should not be used.
- Please mention all sources of funding for the work described and other acknowledgements briefly at the end of the abstract text.
- Please enter at least 2 and a maximum of 5 keywords from the official keyword list (see below).
- Images, tables, diagrams and graphs are not accepted and will not be displayed.
- All submitted abstracts can be edited until the submission deadline. To view or edit your abstract please use the button above and log in to your abstract submission account.
- Together with your abstract submission, you may apply for a travel award. More information is available here.
Topics & Keywords for abstract submission:
- Â A main topic that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during the submission process. The Scientific Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the topics during the abstract review process.
- In addition, you can then select a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 keywords from the official keyword list.
1 – Aging | 9 – Exposure assessment methods | 17 – Planetary health |
2 – Air pollution | 10 – Exposures | 18 – Policy |
3 – Birth and pregnancy outcomes | 11 – Food Contamination | 19 – Reproductive outcomes |
4 – Built environment | 12 – Methods | 20 – Respiratory and allergic outcomes |
5 – Cancer and cancer-precursors | 13 – Neurologic and mental health outcomes | 21 – Water Pollution |
6 – Chemical exposures | 14 – Omics technologies | 22 – Other |
7 – Climate | 15 – One health | |
8 – Exposome | 16 – Outcomes |
Aging | Health co-benefits | Ozone |
Agricultural exposures | Heavy metals | Particle components |
Air pollution | Incidence | Particulate matter |
Allergies | Infectious diseases | PCBs |
Asthma | Internal exposome | Pesticides |
Big data | International collaboration | PFAS |
Biomarkers of exposure | Ionizing radiation | Pharmaceuticals |
Birth outcomes | Lead | Phenols |
Blue space | Light pollution | Phthalates |
Built environment | Long-term exposure | Policy |
Cancer and cancer precursors | Male | Policy and practice |
Cardiovascular diseases | Mental health outcomes | Pregnancy outcomes |
Causal inference | Mercury | Proteomics |
Chemical exposures | Metabolomics | Reproductive Outcomes |
Children’s environmental health | Methodological study design | Respiratory outcomes |
Climate | Microbes | Risk assessment |
Community outreach | Microbes/Microbiome | Science communication |
Community-engaged research | Microbiome | Sensors |
COVID-19 | Microplastics | Short-term exposure |
Endocrine disrupting chemicals | Mixtures | Socio-economical factors |
Environmental disparities | Mixtures analysis | Socio-environmental conflicts |
Environmental education | Modeling | Soil Pollution |
Environmental epidemiology | Molecular epidemiology | Solvents |
Environmental governance | Mortality | Spatial statistics |
Environmental justice | Multi-media | Survival |
Epidemiology | Multi-pollutant | Sustainability |
Epigenomics | Multi-pollutant/Multi-media | Syndemic |
Ethics | Mycotoxins | Temperature |
Exposome | Natural disasters | Temperature extremes |
Exposure assessment | Neurodegenerative outcomes | Temperature variability |
Exposures | Neurodevelopmental outcomes | The exposome |
External exposome | New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) | The microbiome |
Extractivism | Noise | Toxicology |
Female | Non-chemical stressors | Traffic-related |
Fluoride | Obesity and metabolic disorders | Walkability |
Food Security | Occupational epidemiology | Water quality |
Food/nutrition | Occupational exposures | Waterborne diseases |
Foodborne diseases | Omics technologies | Wildfires |
Green space | Outcomes | |
Hazardous waste | Oxides of nitrogen |
Review Process and Notifications of Acceptance:
- All submitted abstracts will be scored and passed through a review process after the submission closes.
- The notification of acceptance, including the presentation details, will be sent to the presenting author’s e-mail address.