Local Organizing Committee
Erik Svendsen, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Ginger L. Chew, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Timothy A. Dignam, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Antonia M. Calafat, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Sabrina Chow, Emory University
Jose Cordero, University of Georgia
Roby Greenwald, Georgia State University
Anna Khan, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Chandresh Ladva, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Adrienne Lester King, Georgia State University
Donghai Liang, Emory University
Carmen Marsit, Emory University
Maria Mirabelli, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Prinn Panuwet, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jeremy Sarnat, Emory University
Kyle Steenland, Emory University
Hao Tian, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Yulia Carroll, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Thomas Clasen, Emory University
Christine Ekenga, Emory University
Anke Huels, Emory University
Stacey Konkle, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Amy Lavery, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Longxiang Li, Emory University
Yang Liu, Emory University
Stephanie Miles-Richardson, Morehouse College
Luke Naeher, University of Georgia
Amina Salamova, Emory University
Christine Elizabeth Stauber, Georgia State University
Heather Strosnider, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Lindsay Tompkins, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Scientific Organizing Committee
Antonia M. Calafat, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Yang Liu, Emory University
Gwen Collman, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Maria Mirabelli, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Alexandra Schneider, Helmholtz Center Munich
Kai Zhang, University at Albany, State University of New York
Adetoun Mustapha, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research
Amina Salamova, Emory University
Carmen Marsit, Emory University
Shoji Nakayama, Japan National Institute for Environmental Studies
Oral Presentations:
Astyn Areal, IUF Research Leibniz Institute for Environmental Medicine
Tyler Pollock, Health Canada
Poster Presentations:
Jose Cordero, University of Georgia
Eva Govarts, Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)